Monday, January 25, 2016

Day 15

Its day 15 so we are officially at our half-way point! I'm excited for this week because it is typically when you hit your stride during Whole30 and really start feeling good and full of energy.  I'm ready for some Tiger's Blood!

The Tessemae's mayo that we ordered arrived over the weekend so we were excited to be able to make some tuna salad this week. We made it last time we did Whole30 and loved it! I put a bunch of stuff in my tuna salad to give it lots of great flavor: mayo, dijon mustard, celery, pickle, dill, parsley, red pepper flake, paprika, S&P

Scrambled eggs with green peppers and sweet potato hash
Green Tea

Leftover chicken broth soup (a tiny bit)
Tuna salad with Tomato Slices

Coconut Chocolate Rx Bar

Leftover Meatball Veggie Soup

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